The History of the Club
The village of Cabrera, set high in the Sierra Cabrera Mountains of Almeria Province in Andalucía, must boast one of the most stunning locations for a tennis court in the whole of Spain.
The village was built on the site of an original Moorish settlement, parts of which can still be seen to this day. The concept of building the village was the inspiration of Peter Grosscurth an English architect, who began designing and building the village centre and some of the villas you now see dotted around the mountainsides in the 1980’s. He took inspiration from the Moors and incorporated traditional characteristics of domes, courtyards and archways in his designs. He also insisted that all the buildings be painted terracotta to blend with the landscape.
Nestled in the village centre is the tennis court. Tom Frimann Clasen, a Norwegian with a home in the village, instigated the building of the tennis court in 1993 with the land being donated by Peter Grosscurth and the funding raised from twelve residents at the time. Nine of these founder members are still members today. The Court, called Pista Clasen in honour of Tom, was built by a Norwegian company with a carpet surface which was replaced for the first time in 2017.
Cabrera Tennis Club today has a thriving membership and actively encourages new members from Cabrera and the surrounding areas, all ages and abilities are welcome to play, at either the club sessions or privately. Open and closed mixed doubles tournament are played each year, which become a naturally social event for the Calendar.
Visitors are also welcome to use the court on a pay as you play basis.