As the sun rose for another perfect day for tennis, all those taking part in the Cabrera Cup Closed Tournament on the 18th October awoke with all the anticipation and hopes of making it through the round robin stages and into the Semi’s, quite possibly the finals, and taking that precious trophy home!
Introducing the Teams!
The Red Team
The Green Team
Sadly we were missing Luis for the first time in probably a decade, due to injury. Hope to see him back with us next time!
So the Round Robin fun began promptly at 9am, we did after all have a lot of games to get through and continued right through until 16:00, with a brief stop for lunch between 1-2pm. Whilst the requirement to wear masks when not playing didn’t diminish the enjoyment, sadly the Covid restrictions meant we could not have a usual lunchtime session at Lynda & David’s. Instead we all wandered into our old “Club House”, Los Pastores, where the chef did us proud with a couple of different salads, meatballs, tortilla and paella. Their brownies weren’t however a touch on Adrienne’s, who thankfully still felt the need to bake a batch for us to top up our resources during the day!
We will now let the pictures do the talking!!
And Lunch!

So by 4pm, all the round robin games had been played amidst much giggles both on and off the Court, giving the results as follows:
The Red Team :
No 1 Lady & Gent : Sue (¡qué sorpresa!) & David R
No 2 Lady & Gent : Adrienne & Frank
The Green Team :
No 1 Lady & Gent : Sjan & David M.
No 2 Lady & Gent : Chantal & a tie between Chris & Mike which was settled by a very close singles tie break, which saw Mike joining in the Semi-finals for the first and probably not the last time!
So after a swift juggle by the President, the Semi Finals Draw looked like this….
Each semi-finals consisted of 1 set, with sudden death at deuce, and saw Sue & David M. winning their place in the finals over Chantal & Frank, as well as David R. & Sjan over Adrienne & Chris.
The Finalists

And what a riveting and nail-biting final it was! Each game comprising of rallies the length seen at Wimbledon, and going to deuce and sudden death, giving David R. & Sjan 6 championship points at 5 games to 4 but the absolute determination of Sue & David M stopped them converting any into that winning point, resulting in a further 7 games being hard fought and David M. & Sue ultimately bringing the Cabrera Cup Trophy home at 9 games to 7. We really are going to have to stop them being partners in the future, hahaha!!!!
With the Sun setting, the bubbles poured, Jane presented the prizes to our fabulous Runners-Up, David Reed & Sjan, who gave us the most fantastic fight for over an hour, and of course to our Winners of the 2020 Cabrera Cup Trophy, Sue & David Middleton.

The Winners of the 2020 Cabrera Cup!
Sue & David Middleton

Until the Next Time!