Mike Bear qualified as a Development Coach with the UK Lawn Tennis Association in 2003 after several years working with junior tennis within the Sussex community. When he came to Spain he qualified as a National Professional with the Registro Profesional de Tenis in Spain.

Since then, he has helped all ages, particularly retired and pre-retirement adults who may never have played tennis or have not done so for many years.

Now fully retired himself he believes tennis activity helps fitness in retirement and opens new social connections. So he continues to offer coaching at Cabrera Tennis Club.

Coaching can be booked for €20 per hour for an individual (plus €9 per hour fee for court use if a non-member).

Mike has also very kindly offered 1 free private lesson when you sign up as a new annual member, to be taken within 3 months of the start of your membership. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please contact the Club Secretary on info@cabreratennisclub.com. (This offer is available to new members, not new memberships)

If you would like to book Mike, please contact him direct at mikebear77@gmail.com  or on +34 610879429 (WhatsAp

Please note however that  Mike does not accept any responsibility for accident or injury during his lessons but will adapt the lessons to allow for any declared pre-existing condition you may have.